пʼятницю, 4 грудня 2015 р.


The world of animals.
(form 2)

Мета: систематизувати знання учнів з теми Animalsб
            навчити використовувати назви тварин в усному та писемному мовленні,
            складати діалоги, розказувати про свого домашнього улюбленця,
           розвивати навички аудіювання,
           виховувати любов до тварин та природи.
Обладнання: картки з буквами, малюнки погоди та тварин, іграшки, відеозапис про природу, тварин.
I. Introduction.
     T: good morning, children! Glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about life of animals and make an interesting traveling to the world of animals.
II. Warming-up.
     T: look at these sounds. Name them and read the words with this sounds. Try to fond the names of the animals.
         ei    snake, tail, baby, cake;
         o:    tortoise, horse, ball, all;
         e     elephant, pet, head;
                parrot, cat, hamster, rabbit, hand, animal.
      T: Play the game “Missing letters”. Діти називають диких та свійських тварин, вчитель записує на дошці через кому тільки початкові букви слів. Учні по буквах називають тварин, вчитель частково витирає їх поки не залишиться жодної).
    D, c, t, f, r, h, l, c, o, h ( dog, cat, tiger, fox, rabbit. Hen, lion, crocodile, ox, horse)
  III. Main part.
     1. T: Now we are ready to travel. We have the plan of traveling. Look at the board and be interested in different stations. But what do you need for a good travel – you are right – a good weather. (Pupils describe the weather)
     2. T: Let’s go, children! And our first station is “The alphabet train”
          (Matching. Teachers unites pupils into groups and gives the cards with letters and pictures)
      3. T: The second station is “Guess the animals”
         Monkeys, goats are animals, they have tails and four legs. They are domestic and wild. Divide them into groups. (Teacher shows the pictures of animals)
      T: What animal is it?
      P1: It is a tiger. It is a wild animal.
      T: What animal is it?
      P2: It is a rabbit. It is a domestic animal.
      4. T:  The next is “The musical station”
     Let’s, children, sing the songs “In the zoo”, “On my farm” (see appendix 1)
      5. T:  The other station is “Whose house is it?” (Writing)
      Some animals live in the steppe or prairies, in the jungle, in the forest. They are wild. Some animals live on the farm. They are domestic. (Teacher shows the pictures of the steppe, jungle, farm, forest). Try to fill in the table. Work  in groups.

In the steppe
In the forest
In the jungle
On the farm

Tiger, bear, cow, pig, camel, kangaroo, giraffe, cat, dog, elephant, panda, monkey, fox, rabbit, wolf.
       6. T: “The playing station” is interesting too. Animals like to play as people. What do the like to do ? children play the game. (Pupils form a circle in the middle of which is the child who recites the rhyme. They do the same with the action in the rhyme)
       Nick and Andy
       Sugar and candy
       I say fly (swim, run, jump, sing, clap, go, sleep, jump)
     7. T: And now be ready for “The story station” . children listen to “The Story of Enormous Elephant, Magic Monkey and Crazy Crocodile” hearing the words elephant, crocodile or monkey do corresponding actions. (See appendix 2)
      8. T: I know you have got your pets. Station “My favourite pet”.
     1. Make up dialogues. Ask each other about your pet. (Pair work)
           P1. Have you got a pet?
           P2. Yes, I have a cat.
           P1. What is its name?
           P2 . My cat’s name is …
           P1. How old is it? What colour is it? Is it big? Is it nice?  
      2. Speaking. (Pupils tell about their pets)
       9. T: At last you can visit our last station “Surprise”
             Watch some pictures and video about domestic animals.
 III. Summing up. Home assignment.
          T: Animals are our friends. We have to take care of them and love them. Our travel is over. Draw your favourite pet at home. Good bye, children.

Appendix 1
             In the zoo

        Lions and tigers in the zoo,
        Bears and elephants, zebras too.
        Foxes, crocodiles, kangaroo
        All the animals in the zoo.

              On my farm
       On my farm I have a duck.
       Quack! Quack! Quack!

        On my farm I have a dog.
        Wool! Wool! Wool!

        On my farm I have a lamb.
        Baa! Baa! Baa!

        On my farm I have a chick.
        Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!

        On my farm I have a cat.
        Meow! Meow! Meow!

        On my farm I have donkey.
        Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw!

Appendix 2
      This is the story of, Magic Monkey and Crazy Crocodile.

      One day Enormous Elephant was bored, very, very, bored.
      Then he had an idea.
       “I know”, he said. “I’ll go to New York”.

    So he started to walk, and he walked and he walked and he walked.

       On the way he met Magic Monkey.
       “Hello, Magic Monkey, he said.
       “Hello”, said Magic Monkey.
        “What’s the matter?” said Enormous Elephant.
        “I’m bored”, said the Magic Monkey, “very, very bored”.
         “I’ve got and idea, said Enormous Elephant, “why don’t you go to New York with me?”
         “OK”, said Magic Monkey.

       So they started to walk, and they walked and they walked
 and they walked. On their way they met Crazy Crocodile.
        “Hello, Crazy Crocodile”, they said.
        “Hello”, said Crazy Crocodile.
        “What’s the matter?” said Enormous Elephant.
         I’m bored”, said, Crazy Crocodile, “very, very bored”.
                  “I’ve got and idea, said Enormous Elephant, “why don’t you go to New York with us?”
         “OK”, said Crazy Crocodile.

         So they started to walk, and they walked and they walked
 and they walked. ,And they walked and they walked
 and they walked.
         “Oh, I’m tired”, said Enormous Elephant.
          “Oh, I’m tired”, said Magic Monkey
           “Oh, I’m tired”, said Crazy Crocodile.

        So, they all went to sleep.

form 4 
Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine

Мета: розширити знання учнів про столицю нашої батьківщини; ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою з теми та формувати лексичні навички; формувати навички діалогічного мовлення на рівні мікро діалогу, поглибити знання учнів про історичні та культурні пам’ятки нашої столиці; розвивати вміння передавати зміст прочитаного; розвивати мовну здогадку, вміння робити висновки та узагальнення, культуру спілкування в ситуаціях; виховувати повагу, допитливість, бережливе ставлення до навколишніх предметів, сприяти естетичному вихованню; заохочувати та стимулювати інтерес учнів до вивчення англійської мови.
   Обладнання: карта України, тематичні малюнки, роздавальні картки з діалогом, опорні таблиці для формування навичок письма; слайди, записи на дошці, таблички з написами визначних місць.
   Тип уроку: введення нового матеріалу, формування навичок і вмінь.

Хід уроку
  І. Організація класу
       T: Good morning, dear boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you. I am happy that nobody is ill and everything is all right.
       Фонетична зарядка
      Quiz “Town features”
       T:  Do you know the names of town features? Let’s check up your knowledge. You’ll be given a definition. Try to guess what it stands for.
1.     You get money there … (banks)
2.     You can have a cup of coffee here … (café)
3.     You watch films here … (cinema)
4.     You go here when you are sick … (hospital)
5.     You borrow books here … (Library)
6.     You buy fruit and vegetables here … (shops)
7.     You watch a match here … (stadium)
           Мовна зарядка
     Today we’ll speak about Kyiv. Let’s train our tongues. Let’s read a dialogue.
              P1. Have you ever been to Kyiv?
              P2. Yes, I’ve been there several times.
              P1. Is it a new or old city?
              P2. It is old.
              P1. What is the main street of Kyiv?
              P2. The main street is Khreshchatyk..
              P1. I have never been there. Is it beautiful?
              P2. Yes, it is. I think it’s the most beautiful city in the world.
               Оголошення теми і мети уроку.
                  Мотивація навчальної діяльності
    T: So, the topic of our lesson is Kyiv. I think you know about it. Today we shall answer such questions:
1.     Is it a new or old city?
2.     When was it founded?
3.     What places of interest have you visited in Kyiv?
    Because the motto of our lesson is “He, who loves not his country, can love nothing”. These wonderful words belong to the great English poet George Byron.
   ІІ. Основна частина уроку
      Робота з новою лексикою
        Робота з картою
       Т: Look at the map. We all know where Kyiv is situated. It is situated on the both banks of the Dnieper river.
        Фонетичне відпрацювання власних імен та географічних назв
        T: Look at the picture.
        - This is Khreshchatyk.     
        - The St. Sophia’s Cathedral
        -  The Golden Gates
        - The Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra
        - Maidan Nezalezhnosti
        - Verkhovna Rada
        - Bohdan Khmelnytsky
      T: Look at this pictures and match the names in the box with the sights of Kyiv.
        (Work in groups). Let’s check up your task from the blackboard.
          Розвиток навичок говоріння та аудіювання
       Answer the questions
     T: At home you had to read the text about Kyiv. Look at it. And be ready to answer my questions.
1.     What is the capital of Ukraine?
2.     Is Kyiv one of the largest and oldest cities of Europe?
3.     What population has Kyiv got?
4.     What are the streets of Kyiv like?
5.     How many chestnut trees are there in Kyiv?
6.     What is Kyiv?
   Complete the sentences according to the text.
1.     The city of Kyiv is an industrial ….
2.     The Ukrainian capital of Kyiv is one of the … .
3.     Kyiv is located on the picturesque … .
4.     There are a lot of … .
5.     Kyiv is the centre of … .
         Розвиток навичок письма
           Work in pairs
      Fill in the blanks in the sentences from the box.
   Capital, located, founded, Khreshchatyk, chestnut, trees

1.     Kyiv is the … of our country.
2.     It is … on the Dnieper, the longest river of Ukraine.
3.     It was … 15 centuries ago.
4.     The main street of Kyiv is … .
5.     There are a lot of … and flowers.
   Read the sentences which we have.
         Гра «Мікрофон»
     T: Our lesson is going to the end. Let’s play the game “Microphone”. Say what you know about Kyiv.
-         Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is one of the oldest cities in Europe.
-         Kyiv is very green city. The main street in Kyiv is Khreshchatyk.
-         There are many museums, cinemas and theatres in Kyiv.
-         The President of Ukraine lives and work in Kyiv.
-         Kyiv was founded 15 centuries ago.
-         Kyiv  is located on the Dnieper river. It is one of the oldest cities in Europe.
  OK. Thank you.
   ІІІ. Підсумок уроку.
       T: I see you are trying very hard. I’d like to thank you for your work at lesson. Le’s sum up. You have some coloured leaves in front of you: red, yellow and green. What is your attitude to the lesson?
-         green: you liked the lesson.
-         yellow: you have some wishes and propositions.
-         red: you didn’t like the lesson.

Клас: 5
Подорож. Лондон та його визначні місця.
Мета: активізувати та закріпити  вживання лексичних одиниць в усному мовленні учнів; поглибити знання про визначні місця Лондона; навчати діалогічного та монологічного мовлення за темою; практикувати в умінні аудіювати текст; практикувати учнів у вживанні конструкцій “asas” / “not asas” для порівняння прикметників в усному та писемному мовленні; розвивати творчу уяву; виховувати повагу до пам’яток  культури й потребу в пізнанні світової культури.
Обладнання: підручник “We learn English” А. Не світ, зошити, роздатковий матеріал; малюнки з визначними місцями Лондона, презентація.

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
  - Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
   T:  Good morning, pupils. I’m glad to see you here. I am sure you are ready for active work.. Our topic today is “London’s sights”. Besides we’ll revise grammar materials: The Past Simple Tense and comparison constructions with “as…as”, “not as… as”. By the end of the lesson you should learn more about London’s places of interests, their history. And our motto today is:
     The more we live, the more we travel,
     The more we travel, the more we see,
     The more we see, the more we learn.
  - Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
          T: Look at the  blackboard. here are some proverbs and saying about traveling. Make up the proverbs from the given words and write them down into your exercise books.
1.     Many traditions and customs, so countries, so many.
2.     Place, no, is, home, like, there.
3.     Best, west, east, or, is, home.

  ІІ. Основна частина уроку
-          Practice topic words
         A) Unscrumble the words:
             Rapk, Beyba, Edralcath, Werto, Aresqu, Ribdge, Seumum
         (Park, Abbey, Cathedral, Tower, Square, Bridge, Museum)
       B) Match the parts of the word combinations
             1. Trafafgar                                  a) Palace
           2. Buckingham                             b) Bridge
           3. St. Paul’s                                  c) Park
           4. Tower                                       d) Cathedral
           5. Madame Tussauds                    e) Square
           6. Regent’s                                    f) Museum

        - Reading
              Pre-reading task
         1. Put the words into the correct order to make up sentences:
      - A royal palace/ the Tower of London/ a prison/ served/ a fortress/ as/ and/ in the past.
     - In/ many/ the/ London/ kings/ of/ lived/ Tower.
     - Is/ today/ a/ museum/ the/ London/ wonderful/ Tower/ of.
     - Masters/ care/ of/ ravens/ the/ Raven/ takes/ black.

         2. Complete the text using the words given below.
                  Was, stay, stands, can, lived, gives
            For a long time The Tower of London  _____ a fortress, a prison and a palace. Many kings and queens ___ there. In the Tower you ____ see the famous Beefeaters and ravens. The legend says: “Only so long as ravens ____, will the White Tower ____”. The raven master is a person who ____them food.

         Reading (ex. 2 p. 128)
           Post-reading task:
       1. Order the sentences according to the text: (ex. 3 p. 128)
        … You can also see “Beefeaters” in the traditional Tudor uniforms.
      … Many kings live in the Tower of London.
      … The raven master take care of the black ravens.
      … Today the Tower of London is a wonderful museum.

     2. Complete the missing parts of the sentences (ex. 4 p. 129)
         1. … gives the black ravens meat in the morning and in the evening.
       2. According to the legend … will fall without ravens in it.
       3. Today the Tower of London is a wonderful  …
         4. … lived in the Tower of London.
          - Grammar. Comparisons with “as…as”/ “not as … as”
     1. Oral practice: (ex. 5 p. 129)
          Work in pairs. Look at the photos and talk about them.
        Example: Westminster Abbey is as popular among the tourists as St. Paul’s Cathedral.

     2. Writing.
          Write the sentences as in the example. Use as…as or not as…as (Ex. 6 p. 129)
           - Physical Training
          Let’s sing song “The wheels on the bus go round and round” and do some exercises.

           - Listening. The London Eye.

         1. Pre-listening task

Word bank
observation wheel
колесо огляду
to be located
бути розташованим
to pass through
 пройти через

  2. Listening:
London Eye
               The London Eye is a giant observation wheel located in the Jubilee Gardens on the South bank of the river Thames. It is modern but already a very popolar tourist attraction.
       The London Eye is 135 metres high, which makes it the world’s tallest observation wheel. It has 32 capsules and carries about 10000 visitors every day. It is visited by over 4 million people a year. While traveling in complete safety you can see up to 40 kilometres away in all directions from each capsule. Many famous landmarks are clearly visible, including Buckingham Place, St. Paul’s Cathedral and the  Houses of Parliament.
          3. Post-listening task
       Mark the following sentences “true” or “false”:
1.     The London Eye is an observation wheel.
2.     The London Eye is located in Canada.
3.     It is the tallest observation wheel in the world.
4.     From the text we know how mane visitors come to London Eye every year.
Keys: 1. –T, 2. –F, 3. –T, 4. –F.

-          Presentation “Sights of London
  Try to guess what sight it is.

- Team work.
   Учні поділяються на 4 команди. Кожна отримує картки з описом одного з видатних місць Лондона. Команди опрацьовують свій текст. Перемагає та команда, яка першою дала правильну відповідь.
   Тексти для команд.
1.     This charming cathedral was built by Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London. (St. Paul’s Cathedral)
2.     This museum has a collection of mummies, tomb, paintings and gold jewelry from Ancient Egypt. (The British Museum)
3.     It has a large collection of bird and animals from all over the world. (London Zoo)
4.     There you’ll see realistic, life-size wax figures of famous people. (Madame Tussauds Museum)
III. Заключна частина уроку.
         -  Quiz (Рефлексія):
        1. Big Ben is …
            a) a radio tone;    b) a famous clock;       c) a famous church.
       2. Buckingham Palace is …
            a) a home of Royal Family;    b) a place of interest;    c) a fine cathedral.
       3. Westminster Abbey is a large …
            a) cathedral;         b) palace;         c) church.
        4. The tower of London was …
             a) a prison, a church and a cathedral;
             b) a fortress, a prison, a palace;
             c) a tower, a prison and a palace.
        5. Ravens must live in …
             a) Westminster Abbey;      b) The Tower of London;    c) Tower Bridge.
        6. London stands on the river …   
             a) Dnipro;            b) Severn;          c) Thames.
        7. The Great Fire of London was in …
                a) 1666;           b) 1777;            c) 1888.
         8. The name of the architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral is …
                a) Sir Charles Barry;     b) Sir Christopher Wren;     c) Norhmore Pugin.
         9. Which of this places is not in London?
               a) The Tower;        b) Nelson’s Column;        c) Colosseum.
          10. The oldest building in London is …
                a) The Houses of Parliament;       b) The Tower;       c) The British Museum.
     Keys: 1-b,  2-a,  3-c,  4-b,  5-b,  6-c,  7-a,  8-b,  9-c,  10-b.
              - Teacher sums up:
        Dear, children! Our lesson is coming to the end. We’ve done a lot at our lesson. We read, listened to the text, did exercises to the text. You were great You all get good marks. so your marks are …
              - Homework:
       Your homework task for the next time to speak about one of the places of interests of London.

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